Renew or Reserve a Book
How to renew or reserve materials
At the time application is made for a new borrower’s card, the applicant may check out one (1) item. On the next business day, the card holder may check out five (5) items per name on the card, up to a maximum of 20 items per family. Audio, DVDs, CDs, and magazines will be limited to five (5) per family. The Library Director can use discretion in individual cases.
Materials, with the exception of magazines, may be renewed once, either by phone or in person if no one else is waiting for that item. Magazines may not be renewed.
Materials become overdue at the opening of the library the day following the due date on the book. A fine of $.05 per item per day is charged on all materials. Interlibrary loans outside of the courier have a service charge of $5.00 per item.
Overdue notification will be made weekly until the fourth notice, at which time statements will be issued. If library materials are not returned after the 4th notice, the matter will be turned over to a collection agency and a $10.00 service fee added to patron’s account.
Persons who accumulate excessive fines, refuse to return overdue books or refuse to pay for lost or damaged books will have their library privileges denied.
1. Carrying cases and containers - $1.00
2. Removal of barcode - $1.00
3. Materials lost or damaged beyond repair - current retail price as listed plus $5.00 for processing. Any out-of-print adult item will be a minimum of $15.00 plus $5.00 for processing, and any out-of-print child item will be a minimum $10.00 plus $5.00 for processing.
4. Materials which can be repaired by the library staff - $2.50
The fee for interlibrary loans will be $5.00 outside of the courier service.
Copier fees are $.25 per sheet. Color copy fees are $.50 per sheet. Fax fees are $.50 for each page to send/receive. Computer paper charges are $.25 per page. Microfilm paper charges are $.25 per page. Lamination fees are $.25 business card size, $.50 letter size, and $.75 legal size. Cool lamination fees are $1.00 per foot.
Any circulating cataloged material may be placed on hold or reserved.